Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the
full faith and credit of the United States goverenment. National
Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.
Community Federal Credit Union
We do business in accordance with
the Federal Fair Housing Law and
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
About Us
A Brief History
On April 24, 1928 the Post Office Employees Cooperative Credit Association was legally authorized to
commence business. This makes the Post Office Federal Credit Union the oldest credit union in the State of
The first meeting of the Post Office Employees Cooperative Credit Association was held on March 1st, 1929,
for those interested in the organization of what is now known today as the Post Office Federal Credit
Union. Roy Berengren, one of the credit union pioneers, came from The Credit Union Extension Bureau in
Boston, MA to address the meeting.
In September 2003, Post Office Federal Credit Union changed to a Community Chartered Federal Credit
Union. The name was changed to reflect the new charter. Neighborhood Community Federal Credit Union.
Qualification for Membership
Section 1.
The field of membership of this Credit Union is limited to those having the following common bond:
Persons who live, work, worship, or attend school in and businesses and other legal entities located in
Douglas County or Sarpy County, Nebraska or Pottawattamie County, Iowa(8-22-03);
Members of record of the Credit Union as of the effective date of its conversion to a community field of
membership (8-22-03);
Spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership of this Credit Union.
Members of their immediate families. (Immediate family is defined as spouse, child, sibling, parent,
grandparent, or grandchild. For the purpose of this definition, immediate family member includes
stepparents, stepchildren, stepsiblings and adoptive relationships.) and;
Organizations of such person.
Section 2.
Application for membership from persons eligible to membership under Section 5 of the charter shall be
signed by the applicant on forms approved by the board. Upon approval of such an application by a majority
of the directors or a majority of the members of a duly authorized executive committee or by a membership
officer and upon his/her subscription to at least one share of this Credit Union and the payment of the
initial installment thereon. If a membership application is denied, the reason therefore shall be furnished in
writing to the person whose application is denied, upon written request.
Neighborhood Community
Federal Credit Union
4848 South 120th Street
Omaha, NE 68137-2065
402-895-6880 888-562-2138
Fax: 402-895-7962
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Drive Thru
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Board of Directors
Matthew Conrad - Chairperson
Katie Wardell - Co-Chairperson
Carrie Gorans - Secretary/Treasurer
Board Members:
Diane Bac
Richard Caruso
Edith Freeman
Leslie Fronce
Supervisory Committee
Jeanie Doukas, Chairperson
Doug Christ
Rich Caruso